Men's Rasayana
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  • Men's Rasayana

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Men's Rasayana - 60 Tabs

Our best food supplement for men. In the Ayurvedic texts it is highly regarded for its ability to strengthen all the dhatus (tissues).

Increase your stamina and longevity

This herbal powerhouse is designed to increase a man's innate strength and longevity.

Men's Rasayana help rejuvenate three foundations of your health:

Strengthens the bones for a strong, firm body.
Improves bone marrow for longevity and strength.
Enhances reproductive fluid for overall health, happiness and virility.

The benefits accumulate over time, so you will continue feeling stronger and more full of life.

Helps improve these ayurvedic factors:

For strong, healthy reproductive fluid (Shukra Dhatu).
Bone metabolism (Asthi-Agni) for dynamism and strength.
Bone marrow (Majja Dhatu) for longevity and strength.

Herbal Masterpiece.

The herbs in Men's Rasayana are combined in exact proportions and prepared in the traditional ayurvedic way. This improves bioavailability and assimilation of vital nutrients.It also creates synergy -- the collective benefit is much greater than isolated, individual herbs.

Mens Rasayana contains Chebulic Myrobalan, Amla and Beleric myrobalan.Together these three herbs are known as Triphala, a popular ayurvedic combination that aids digestion and assimilation and is also very nourishing for the tissues (Dhatus).

One of the most treasured ayurvedic ingredients is Mineral Pitch (Shilajit). The Ayurvedic texts say that it provides a happy, long life, helps slow cellular aging, develops physical stamina, and nourishes three important body tissues -- bone, bone marrow, and reproductive fluids.

We prepare Mineral Pitch in the traditional way described in the Ayurvedic texts. The procedure takes three months to complete, and Mineral Pitch is just one of more than three dozen ingredients. But this meticulous process is the only way to guarantee all the benefits described in the texts.
