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47,000 people in Ireland suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and there are currently over 850,000 people in the UK with Dementia. There is currently no successful medical treatment. Many people suffer from deteriorating memory and foggy brain.
Diet and lifestyle play a big role in keeping your brain healthy.
The ancient Health Tradition of Ayurveda had its own unique perspective on brain health.
Ayurveda offers many strategies to keep our brains functioning at an optimum level.
Ayurveda recommends paying attention to the three fundamental pillars of good health — diet, sleep, and lifestyle — to achieve a state of mental wholeness and balance.

Ayurveda talks about a special class of herbs called medhya herbs — herbs especially useful for the mind. These herbs individually enhance learning, retention, and recall and also promote coordination among the three factors. They provide powerful nourishment for the brain.
On our special "Brain Health" webinar you will learn many tips and strategies to keep your brain functioning at an optimum level.
The speakers are Dr. Donn Brennan, Dr. Rajvinder Kaur, and Dr. Naheed Farooqui
Dr. Brennan's lecture is entitled "Preventing and Treating Alzheimer's"
Dr. Rajvinder will talk on"Food for the Brain"
Dr. Naheed will discuss "Ayurveda and the Brain"
Brain health webinar Testimonial
Bernie Rowen-Ross Psychotherapist and Counsellor
This seminar is honestly a “must watch” for every-one, it is a wonderfully clear explanation of how to care for the brain. The holistic preventative approach of Maharishi AyurVeda is such an easy approach to lifestyle changes. I always feel that the atmosphere, even over zoom of Ayurveda Ireland is loving and supportive. Join the next webinar, it’s worth it.